Use "interpleader|interpleaders" in a sentence

1. proceedings actions see Part 4 affidavits, 80-86 appeals see Part 6 appeals of pronothonotaries' orders, 51(1)-51(2) applications see Part 5 assessors, 52(1)-52(6) commencement, 61-64 Court documents, 65-79 default, 210(1)-210(4) discontinuance, 165-166, 402 divorce, 325(1)-325(2) examinations out of court, 87-100 failure to comply with Rules, 56-60 filing of confidential material, 151-152 interpleader, 108 intervention, 109 joinder, 101-107 not terminated by death or bankruptcy, 116 orders and directions, 53-54 parties, 111-115 payments, 149-150 powers of Court, 47-50 preservation of rights in, 372-379 questions of general importance, 110 references, 153-164 representation of parties, 119-126 service of documents, 127-148 solicitor of record, 123-126 specially managed, 383-385 status review, 380-382 stayed, 154, 390 summary disposition, 165-168 transferring to other division, 49 transmission of interest, 116-118